Rene Meulensteen Endorsement
Former Manchester United First Team Coach and current Australian Men's National Team Assistant Coach, Rene Meulensteen, describes how Coerver Coaching has influenced his coaching and how Coerver Coaching can benefit players, clubs and federations across the globe:
Dieter Svoboda
Coerver® Coaching Preston & Melbourne (Australia)
“I have been involved in Coerver Coaching for over 18 years, and a Franchisee for 7 years. I believe it is the best system worldwide in developing skilful, creative players; grass roots and elite players alike.
I have received great technical support with regular technical up-dates, and continuous development of the program. There’s also great business support with start-up information, comprehensive business training, policies supplied, annual conferences, and working in partnership with one of the best-known sporting brands, adidas.
I recommend a Coerver Coaching Franchise to anyone who would like to make a difference in the development of football players.”

Dieter Svoboda (left) & Coerver® Coaching co-Founder, Alfred Galustian